Friday, March 5, 2010


Mommy's little helper.

He is to me quite simply the most beautiful child in the world.

Winter has returned.

Prim roses are so brave they bloom even as it's blowing and snowing.

It's been a long time since I posted anything to my blog, I thought spring was almost here but I guess ol' man winter had other plans for us.


Angimom said...

I always enjoy your blog updates! Don't wait so long next time. At least with snow in March we know it won't stick around long!

Lindy said...

thanks for the blog update. i thought you kept the old one so long cus it reminded you or your GREAT trip to phoenix to see me. it was cool and rainy here this last weekend too. the snow is beautiful. love - lindy

Emily, Jerimy and River said...

Yeah, new pics! Wondering why I haven't seen anything in awhile. The sun will be here soon :)